Our Project.
The PSCA preservation project comprises a three-phase scope of work (SOW) living document. The phases along with the major tasks (not inclusive) and status are provided below:

Phase 1. - COMPLETE - AUGUST 10, 2022
Perform Land Clearing/Survey/Tree Removal and Install Signage
INTRODUCTION: The PSCPT/PSCA requested an Alabama Historical Commission (AHC) permit to perform the PSC's preservation effort/tasks. However, The AHC did not issue a single permit for the overall preservation initiative. Each task included in the Preservation Plan (3 Phase Plan) must be issued a permit and, upon completion, must have a short narrative report describing the work performed before, during, and after once all work is completed, including good-quality photographs depicting all project stages. The required information will be provided to the AHC Cemetery Program Coordinator. In addition, permission to enter the cemetery must be obtained from the landowner. Donor funds for contractor's support, tools, and materials supported/funded most of the tasks (except those funded via the AHC grant issued in July 2024).
The dense vegetation environment (weeds, saplings, vines, and trees (some pine trees 14+ feet tall)) required the PSCA to perform extensive ground clearing and tree removal before the land/ground surveys, and additional tasks could be performed. The Phase 1 efforts are as follows:
The AHC issued the Phase 1 (initial) permit on February 7, 2022.
Rohrer Tree Service removed trees during February 14-15, 2022.
Montgomery and Hinkle Inc. completed the land survey on March 18, 2022.
PSCA performed "Community ground clearing/clean-up days" on April 9 and April 23, 2022.
Since April 23, small trees, stumps, saplings, leaves, branches, twigs, and weeds have been removed as required.
The PSCA completed all clearing, and the grounds were ready for Phase 2 on August 10, 2022.
PSCA Install Signage: The directional sign was ordered from the Tuscaloosa County Department of Public Works on April 8, 2022, and installed by Public Works in August 2022. Additional signage will be installed as required. An AHC Permit was not needed.
Note 1: The photographs are snapshots of the cemetery before (pictures on the left) and after (photos on the right) tree removal and land/ground clearing.
Note 2: The PSC (Bull Slough/Old Byler Road) directional sign is depicted on the left. Donor funds were used to purchase the sign. It was ordered from the Tuscaloosa County Public Works Department in April 2022 and installed by Public Works in August 2022.
------------------------------PHASE 2------------------------

Storage Shed Photo
Phase 2. - COMPLETED - DECEMBER 20, 2024
Surveys (Grounds), Install/Reinstall Flags/Install Crosses (added to provide more permanent burial/grave markers), Fill Holes (added to address a safety issue), Clean Headstones, Install Ground Cover (required due to deteriorating ground condition), and Installation of Fence/Gates (arch/signage) and Storage Shed Installation.
The PSCA Phase 2 permit request was submitted to the AHC on August 15, 2022, to obtain permission to continue the PSC preservation effort (multi-method geophysical surveys). The AHC issued the Phase 2 permit on August 17, 2022. However, due to an administrative error, it was reissued on September 6, 2022.
The PSCA, in collaboration with the University of Alabama (UA), established a Fall 2022 Archaeological Field School for a joint undergraduate (seven students) and graduate (two students) Field Methods Course. See the photo on the left of
Dr. Elliot Blair, Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology and curator of Southeastern Archaeology (the Professor is in sunglasses on the left), heads the school and the nine students. The Field School provided an archaeological pedestrian survey/field mapping, shallow geophysical prospective surveys, and documentation for the preservation effort. Donor funds, tools, supplies, and materials supported the task.
The UA began its tasks in September 2022, and the status of each is below:
Perform a close-interval pedestrian survey - to identify every visible stone marker in the PSC. See the photo on the left that displays flags that identify the locations of burials.
COMPLETED - September 27, 2022
Photographed, documented, and mapped each visible marker using high-precision accuracy technology (RTK-GPR/total station). Students are using the GPR instrument in the photo to the left.
COMPLETED - October 27, 2022
Perform geophysical surveys (multi-method/non-evasive) of the PSC. COMPLETED - DECEMBER 1, 2022
Due to the fall 2023 weather and PSC ground conditions, the flags had to be reverified and reinstalled by the Fall 2023 Archaeological Field School. COMPLETED- SEPTEMBER 2023
The photographs of the Field School efforts are displayed on the left.
INSTALL CROSSES: The flags were removed, their locations reverified (September 2023), and crosses (more permanent markers) were installed to document the UA multi-method geophysical surveys task. Donor funds, tools, supplies, and materials supported the task. COMPLETED—NOVEMBER 2023
The photograph to the left depicts the PSC with crosses installed.
FILL HOLES: Holes (fifty-seven) were identified and filled throughout the PSC to address safety concerns. The hole-filling task was performed by the UA Spring 2024 Field School (Department of Race and Gender) and the Boy Scouts of America Northport, Alabama, Troop 100. An AHC permit was not required/issued. Donor funds, tools, supplies, and materials supported the task. COMPLETED—APRIL 15, 2024.
To the left is a photo of hole #54 (a sample of the type of holes filled). A before-and-after picture is displayed.
CLEAN HEADSTONES: The conditions of the headstones and the actions required for each headstone were determined. For example, should the headstone remain as is, be cleaned and repaired, or only be cleaned or repaired?
It was determined that many of the headstones require repair, and a source (funds) needs to be identified. Therefore, the repair task has been moved to Phase III. Donor funds, tools, and supplies supported the task. The AHC permit was issued on June 11, 2024
The cleaning items used are as follows (depicted in the photograph to the
D/2 Biological Solution, Sprayer (large for freshwater application), Non-metallic short-fiber scrub brushes, a Toothbrush/small-space short-fiber brush, Freshwater, Gloves, Eye Protection, and KN-95 mask.
INSTALL GROUND COVER: The ground cover installation was scheduled for June 2024. However, it was postponed until October 2024 since the AHC notified the PSCA in June 2024 that a grant had been approved, and the grant funding requested included the ground cover task. The ground cover material is gravel (#57), sometimes called driveway gravel. The AHC Permit was issued on June 11, 2024.
See the photos on the left depicting the grounds during/after the installation
of the cover materials.
INSTALL FENCE/GATES (ARCH/SIGNAGE): Grant funds became available for the task in July 2024. The fence line does not include the parameter adjacent to Lake Tuscaloosa). It will consist of a main gate with an arch/arbor, a pedestrian gate, and a back/side gate. The necessary signage will be installed on the pedestrian gate. All are scheduled to be completed by December 2024. The task was moved from Phase 3 back to Phase 2. The AHC Permit was issued on October 21, 2024 COMPLETED - DECEMBER 20, 2024
See the photos on the left depicting the fence installed.
The left-hand photos display the gate's planned location, installation in progress, and the gate with arch that has been installed.
INSTALL STORAGE SHED: — The storage shed task was moved from Phase 3 to Phase 2 in July 2024 when funds became available. However, it was canceled because the property owner informed the President, PSCA, that the proper request/approval process had not been followed. The AHC Permit was canceled on October 16, 2024. CANCELED - OCTOBER 16, 2024
------------------------------PHASE 3------------------------

Phase 3. - SCHEDULED FOR 2025-2026
Tasks Moved from Phase 2 (High Dollar Value (HDV), Security, Peripherals/Curb Appeal/Other Items, and Submission of the AHC Final Report
Phase 3: The primary tasks are listed below:
Installation of
Gates - funds available as of July 2024 - moved back to Phase 2
Fencing - funds available as of July 2024 - moved back to Phase 2
Historical marker - presently on hold due to the PSCA collaboration with the Byler Road Tourism Project.
Benches - funds available as of July 2024 - on hold.
Dropbox (placed in the entry area to maintain brochures and information about the PSC for visitors) - test item installed - on hold.
Signage - Partially completed in Phases 1 and 2; future requirements are on hold. The directional sign was installed during Phase I, and the "surveillance/no dogs please" signs will be installed on the pedestrian gate in Phase 2. An AHC permit is not needed.
Trash receptacle(s) - on hold.
Repair headstones - moved from Phase 2 - on hold.
Safety Issues—Phase 2 addressed the initial safety issue (holes in the grounds). Phase 3 will address any additional safety issues/items. The task is on hold.
Address access/parking requirements are to be determined.
Install a storage shed —Donor-provided funds. The task was moved back to Phase 2. However, it was canceled because the property owner informed the President, PSCA, that the approval was not properly requested. The AHC permit was canceled. CANCELED - OCTOBER 16, 2024
Prepare the AHC final report and other reports as required. (To Be Determined)
Install/unveil the historical marker and provide a special "thank you" to those who contributed to the mission and goals. (To Be Determined) NOTE 1: All high-dollar-value tasks (HDV) were originally in Phase 2. However, funding was unavailable, so they were moved to Phase 3. The HDV tasks were included in the AHC grant submission awarded in July 2024. Therefore, the items were transferred to Phase 2 (except repair headstones) when the grant was awarded/funds were available in July 2024.
NOTE 2: Tasks designated "on hold" await the PSCA review/